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"In 2022, the United Nations verified an overall number of 27,180 grave violations against children, including 2,880 that had occurred prior to 2021 but were only verified in 2022. A total of 18,890 children (13,469 boys, 4,638 girls, 783 sex unknown) were victims of at least one of the four grave violations affecting individual children: recruitment and use; killing and maiming; rape and other forms of sexual violence; and abduction".


Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict to the General Assembly,  27 Jul 2023


This map is the visual and informative result of the Project  "The National Action Plans on UNSCR1325 and the impact of armed conflicts on boys and girls: a study and analysis of the International Universities Network"​, conceived by the Universities of the Network for Children in Armed Conflict (UNETCHAC) and the Institute of Political Studies "S. Pio V”, co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.


This project aims to carry out a qualitative and quantitative study / analysis of situations of violence against boys and girls in areas of armed conflict. For this purpose, all the Universities of the Network have been involved and have given their support for the organization of different work teams divided by regional areas, specifically Africa (DRC, Central African Republic, Mali, South Sudan, Somalia and Mozambique), Asia (Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Myanmar), South America (Colombia), Eastern Europe (Kosovo and Ukraine).


The various Regional Teams carried out the research under the direction of a Team Regional Leader (TRL), who was the contact person for the research activity of their area, and of several researchers who will carry out the research. Each TRL will periodically report the progress of the research activity to the Central Scientific Committee (CSC). ​


In this way, the goal was to build a scientific framework aimed at understanding which are the aspects on which more actions are needed at the national and international level in order to avoid the perpetration of socio-legal conditions that contribute to the perpetration of violence against minors, especially girls. The project aims to meet and achieve the objectives of the IV Italian Action Plan in accordance with Resolution 1325.


The research activity is the basis of this Final Report and this map.

Who we are


This visual observatory has been conceived by


the Universities Network for Children in Armed Conflict UNETCHAC




the Institute of Political Studies "S. Pio V”





Laura Guercio




Fausto Pocar, Paolo De Nardis, Annamaria Rufino (Africa-South America)

Giuseppe Cataldi, Vasilka Sancin (Kosovo, Ukraine)

Aristide Canepa, Paolina Massidda, Ahmed Al Fatlawi (Asia)



AFRICA: Radoslaw Malinowski

ASIA: Shyamila Hettiarachchi and Roshnee Rajasingam

EASTERN EUROPE: Bahtije Zylfiu and Olena Krytska  

SOUTH AMERICA: Diana Bolanos Erazo

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